I was asked to design a calligraphic “S” design and then carve it into the center key of an arbor in an outdoor garden for a client. It was done on site. I really enjoyed this, something different… and it got me outside in some beautiful fall weather!
Author Archive | Will Hegler
A different project…. faux painting garden statues, August 2014
I took on a different kind of project recently- when I was asked if I could paint, restore two old, large, heavy(!) rather beat up “lion” concrete garden statues. The request was to repair them and then faux paint them with a “weathered stone” appearance. It was interesting and an opportunity to learn something new! Repaired, […]
Completed Worship Paintings now available
I am cleaning up my studio and finishing off some worship pieces that were lying around in various stages of completion from this past season. Now complete, praise the Author of Life, these are gifts from Him! They are now on the gallery page and available for sale at very reasonable prices (If you want […]
“Dunes Study” more progress 6.12.14
This painting continues to develop as the summer season comes into its fullness, and the heat and humidity of a Charleston summer envelops all. Worked on it in worship last night. I have the following verse that goes with this painting, but it is not clear at this point how they are connected. His divine […]
New painting “Dunes Study” in progress, 5.22.14
So summer comes up rather suddenly. Warm breezes and blue skies are good nourishment. Thankful for the season- for the ability to see it, feel it, to be fully alive in it. An oil sketch from a high noon reference photograph, very early stages. This took shape during church service last night. 30 x 30″ oil on […]
Radio Interview 4.13.14 on “Artist Dealings Charleston”
This was a great interview I had the opportunity to do with host Austin Grace Smith on the show “Artist Dealings Charleston” on April 13, 2014. The show features local art and music on Kinetic HiFi, an internet radio station. I discuss In case of any diseased organ, avoid taking the drug.Further, while sildenafil from canada, […]

New Painting 4.10.14- Dogwood Blossoms- Revelation 21:5
“Behold, I am making all things new.” Revelation 21:5 The Author of Life is at work. He is making all things new. Color and new life burst forth all around us, pointing us to the Resurrection Life of Jesus. It acheter viagra pfizer in stock is not uncommon for people to deal with pain and […]